Being a mom is a 24/7 adventure to be sure. You are a detective...Find the dirty socks, find the clean socks, find the homework, find the ketchup, find my book I left it right there. Where's your lunch, backpack, homework, jacket, brother, shoes? Did you comb your hair, brush your teeth, put your bowl in the sink, flush the toilet, wash your hands? Who left their towel on the floor, didn't flush, left the water running? And you are a care giver to your kids, husband, friends, and family.
But I want to tell you that as important as clean toilets are, ME time is just as important. If you don't take care of yourself who will be the detecitve and the care giver? Who will take care of you?
Here are some ideas about how to get in some much needed ME time:
1) Hot cup of tea. I say hot because if the tea is hot you must take your time drinking it. If your children are little wait until they are taking their naps, if they are older do this before you pick them up from school or after they are in bed. Choose the nicest china you have, sit in a comfortable chair, and do NOTHING for 20 minutes but drink tea and relax.
2) Take a walk without the kids. My husband and I like to do this after dinner and before the kids bed time. Ours are old enough to stay alone and we don't bring our cell phones. We just hold hands and enjoy each other. Our walk is about 1 mile round trip or 20 minutes. Find the length and time that is good for you. If your kids are too young to stay at home alone, swap walking nights with another mommy and watch each others kids for 30 min. Then two mommies are getting much needed ME time.
3) Hot Bubble Bath. I love to get in the bath with bubbles (I like bath salts too) and a good book. Take all the kiddie toys out of the bathroom entirely! I use a laundry basket to remove all traces of my children before settling in for my ME time. You need your moment too. Get up an hour earily for your ME time or wait until the kids are asleep. Light candles, play soft music, what ever it takes to make yourself relax.
4) Manicure /Pedicure. Like most moms of young children I was sure I couldn't find the time when someone could watch the kids and I could afford to get them done, but I assure you that with some creativity you can do this. If money is an issue, look to your local beauty college. The manicure /pedicure there is very inexpensive. If child care is a problem find another mom with whom you can swap baby sitting with. Believe me swapping child care with another mom is AWESOME, and FREE.
5) Massage/ Facial. Again this can be pricey but you can check out the massage therapist schools/ beauty colleges for discount massages/ facials or ask you family and friends to pool their gifts for your birthday or Christmas so you can go at least once a year.
These are my favorites, but please share yours with us. The most important thing is that you do it.
Your family will be happier if you are more relaxed and happy, so really it is a gift you give them everytime you take care of yourself.
And that is my one good idea for the week.
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