Thursday, December 9, 2010

Phone apps

Well the genie is out of the bottle now. Phone apps are here to stay. I at first thought that it would be just another FAD but I admit I was wrong.

Let me start out by saying that I am an average mom. I am over 25 and under 60. I have a college degree but I am by no means a 'techno geek'. Just ask my boys. But what I have in common with all of you is that my hands are always full. Figuratively and literally. If I can have one less thing to carry I am a happy woman. If my purse weighs less than 10 lbs. I am ecstatic.

I have an iPhone because my brother, who is a 'techno geek' convinced me to give up my beloved blackberry. I hated him for 6 months until I discovered that I could read books on my iPhone. Like most avid readers, I carry a book in my purse at all times. So with my book app, one less thing in my purse. Game apps came next. Not for me, but for the kids.( RIGHT ;0) it would keep them busy when we had to wait in line or at restaurants. Then twitter and facebook joined the app parade. Now I don't need my computer as much. I now have over 20 apps on my phone, 3 of which I actually paid money for.

The long and short of it is..There's an app for that. What ever it is, there's an app for that. So I have to conclude, apps are definitely FAB!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Join our Army

As a mom I am often overwhelmed and empowered at the same time by the magnitude of this mission I call momhood. I find that other moms who have been through what I am experenceing, or who are currently going through what I am, are tremendously helpful. Unfortunately we all to often forget to reach out.

This blog is a hug to all the moms out there as well as a atta girl, you can do it. I have found women from all walks of life have this one common momhood that binds us together no matter how different we are on the outside.  The women who blog here are blogging to show you that you are NOT alone. No matter how different we seem, we are just like you and we are in the trenches too.

We are always trying to improve my children's lives. . I am just a mom and like many of you I will do almost anything for my kids, husband, family and community.

We are you and you are us.

We are all here to help.

Together we are strong.

Together we are a


So Friend us, follow us or just check in every so often. Together we CAN make a difference.