Alt Mom

Alt Mom

Hey all. My name is Franki Doll. I am, for lack of a better term, what you would call an Alt-mom, Punk Rock Mommy... however you'd like to say it, I'm simply just not "cut from the same cloth" as your average mom. Which means almost nothing on the inside, but may look incredibly different from the outside. 

I have 2 girls, who have - since birth - been brought up dancing to a different drum. No 'soccer practice' to speak of (although once we did try cheerleading) but instead, our outings included amazing things like, concerts, band practices and things of this nature. While other mommy's were busy watching tv, we were busy with our "music decade" games, or teaching them how to properly find harmonies to the vocal lines I would throw out. I know, you're probably asking yourselves what am I talking about. Let me explain. 

Every week, we would pick a "type of music" and a "time period", for example - the time period would be "mid 80's" and the "type of music would be "new wave"... and the band would be "Duran Duran or The Cure". We would listen to the band, talk about their songs, and learn their music. The girls LOVED the game, and to be honest, I got to get in some of my favorite bands to their little ears and do a sing along. 

I probably should say that I am a musician as was my dad, and my mom and my grandmother - so on and so forth. Music has always been my life and one of the most important things I felt I could ever give my daughters. Besides good manners and "memory's". I'm big on memories. More on that later. 

Anyway, I love that I get to share some of my favorite moments in mine and my children's life up til the time I write them. You probably won't be finding much talk of mini vans, or burberry here- but as any other loving mother, you'll be finding the same determination and drive to bring my children up with love, patience, tolerance and guidance to help them to face life successfully and thrive. 

I look forward to writing, and sharing my exciting mommy moments with you all. 

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