Friday, February 11, 2011

VD not just for singles

Since I was a teenager I have refered to Valentines Day as VD. I have that kind of  twisted sense of humor. But I also call it that because we put so much pressure on ourselves and our loved ones on that it ceases  to be a good thing.

I told my hubby years ago when we were first married " Buy m flowers any time you want EXCEPT on Valentines day." I hated to see him over pay for flowers because everyone expected him to. Once we had kids we decided that would not go out on the actual day of VD because I hate crowds and all the good babysitters ( both grandmas) were usually already taken. So we celebrate VD in March. It just works for us, we are out of the box sort of people.

So for you moms who are stressing because you dont have a baby sitter or frankly don't have the money for an extravagant meal, try this. Make dinner at home using only red and pink foods, or make a heart shaped pizza, some places even make a heart shaped pizza just for VD. The kids can participate in choosing red and pink foods or making the pizza or even just setting the table with paper napkins they cut into heart shapes.

You LOVE your family and they know it. Holidays are for stepping out of your routine. You can do that in so many ways that cost nothing or close to nothing. Imagine having the kids blow up red and pink balloons and filling the dinning room or living room with them so they can suprise Daddy. Make a tradition of only using homemade valentines for family. Those are the best kind anyway.

What ever you do for VD, don't stress. You will make your family happy and your heart happier.

That is my one good idea for the week.

Together we CAN do it!


  1. Ah! A woman after my own heart! Following you back. Looking forward to reading more posts!

    Mommy J

  2. Very good advice! Thanks for sharing. I look forward to reading more posts!! I'm over on

  3. Love your blog, I hopped back over to follow your blog. Thanks for following mine.

  4. Great ideas! Some of them my family already does, but I definitely think they need to be shared. I don't have my hubby buy me flowers on VD either- he buys me a nice plant in a pot. It might not last forever (I have sort of a black thumb- I wrote about that a little while back), but it lasts a heck of a lot longer than flowers in a vase.
    Thanks for checking out my blog and for following me. I'm glad I could entertain you! and, no, I don't know YOUR boys, but I'm learning from other readers of mine that most boys must have the same MOs, lol.
    Stop by anytime (Oh! And I'm following you now, too!)

  5. Thanks so much for stopping by to say hello!

