Home is where the mom is.

All I can say is... "I want my Mommy!"  Unfortunately for me, I can't possibly have the security that I once did as a child. Visions of the late 60's and early 70's being comforted and cared for by none other than Mom. Then came the eighties and nineties.  I came to a true understanding of the term "unconditional love".
No matter how bad things got with my personal behavior she stuck by me until the end. Oh What a feeling.

Fact... Nothing can beat them... nothing can fool them... When the going gets tough, Moms get tougher... and most importantly nothing can replace them...

Fast forward...Now at fourty-six I am in a whole new world when it comes to understanding Mom. The tide has turned...  Now I am caring full time for my eighty year old Mother-in-law, who is unfortunately in the latest  stages of Altzeimers. She is deteriorating very fast I might add..  As the Mother of my wife and the grandmother to my children, coupled with the fact that that she has been so good to my family, drives me to hold on to her until the very end. 

I really find it hard to deal with at times, and wonder how this can all be possible. Sometimes I cry  behind closed doors in order to hide my emotions while caring for her. More often than not I find myself in a world of frustration and just want to do nothing but yell or scream. Take it a step further...( In a matter of speaking only)... I WANT TO KICK THE DOG!

Like I said before... Mom's cannot be replaced.  However, this dear lady that I call Grandma, has come pretty damn close. She's stubborn, hard headed, demanding, paranoid, confused, delusional, defiant, contradicting, hypocritical and so much more... But, at this point, I would not trade her in for the world.

I think what I am trying to say is that Moms are the greatest invention known to man . Ever!

Peace out...

Mommas Boy

Disclaimer... I am sure that there are many of you out there, that do not share my opinion and have had rocky relationships with your Moms, due to  dysfunctional upbringings.  This little blurb is not intended  to make you feel bad about your parental relationship problems...  If in fact you do fall under this category, I have only one piece of advice for you... "Get a f-ing clue and call that lady and tell her that you love her, while you still can."